Kodable Education helps kids develop important skills for their future.
Kodable Education takes the guesswork out of Computer Science Education. Our expert-designed apps and bilingual coding tutor CatBot help kids learn fundamental coding concepts in a fun, interactive world that prepares them for a future in the digital age.
Learn to solve problems creatively and with multiple possible solutions. Coding sparks kids’ critical thinking skills.
Build grit by creating new projects and solving coding puzzles so you can stick with a project even when it’s tough.
Bounce back when a challenge is presented. Kids learn productive failure with helpful hints and motivators.
Coding with a partner teaches kids to work with others to solve difficult problems and learn from their experiences.
Coding is a roller coaster; kids learn to share triumphs and struggles with their peers.
Spark creativity with coding projects like designing levels, games, and characters.
Used in over 50% of US Elementary Schools, Kodable's suite of learning apps help students at school and at home learn the basics of computer science.
“I found that coding in the classroom has helped to strengthen my students’ ability to problem solve, but more importantly, to collaborate with one another effectively…”
Melissa Moyers, 2nd Grade Teacher, Harrisburg, VA
Whether they're flying through an asteroid belt, exploring the Technomazes of Smeeborg, or wading through the jungles of Moongarden, our educational apps are custom-built to help students grow confidence in their coding abilities.