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Kodable has crafted a K-5 curriculum that covers standards from CSTA, Common Core Math, NGSS, ISTE, and more. Click into any grade below to see specific standards covered at that grade level.

Kodable meets standards from the following organizations

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are K–12 science content standards. Standards set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do. The NGSS were developed by states to improve science education for all students.
Common Core Mathematics Standards
The Common Core focuses on a clear set of math skills and concepts, teaching them in an organized way throughout the school year and across different grades. The goal is to help students apply these concepts to solve real-world problems.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards delineate a core set of learning objectives designed to provide the foundation for a complete computer science curriculum and its implementation at the K–12 level.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
The ISTE Standards are a framework that guides educators, leaders and coaches in using technology to create high-impact, sustainable, scalable and equitable learning experiences. They clearly identify the competencies needed for learning, teaching and leading with digital pedagogy.

Kindergarten Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms (sets of step-by-step instructions) to complete tasks.
Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.

Common Core Math Standards

Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Use numbers and symbols to represent data (e.g., thumbs up/down for yes/no, color by number, arrows for direction).
Identify and describe elements in a pattern.
Decompose a model or task into smaller elements.
Identify and describe an error (bug) when it is occurring (e.g., “The arrow should be pointing to the right here, not up.).
Select and test the appropriate solution to fix a bug when given multiple options.
Model processes and systems that satisfy “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.

Programming and Me

Cultivate habits in using technology in safe and correct ways.
Demonstrate an understanding of their role in making machines function.
Articulate the task they are asking the computer to do.
Describe the instructions they have been giving by articulating the steps.
Demonstrate an understanding of using hardware and software in appropriate ways (eg., choosing the right tools, using the right vocabulary when describing hardware and software, etc.)

Programming Impact

Identify problems that technology has solved in history and tools that were used to solve them.
Identify programming pioneers and understand their impact on the field.

Everyday Connections

Demonstrate an understanding of why technology matters.
Demonstrate an understanding of routines and articulate the steps within daily routines (such as washing hands, tying shoes, routines within the school day).
Recognize programs as routines and connect daily routines to programming.

Programming and Communication

Express personal opinion related to problem-solving.
Retell the steps followed to complete a task.

Social Emotional Learning

Identify personal and peers’ likes and dislikes, needs and wants, strengths and skills.
Identify and explain differences in two approaches with successful solutions (e.g., “I solved it this way and (name) did it this way, but we both solved the problem.”).
Discuss and demonstrate positive characteristics of successful programmers including resilience, attention to detail, and passion for learning.
Cultivate a helping mentality: giving help and asking for help when appropriate.
Describe an experience with failure and what you learned from it (e.g., “When it didn’t work, I realized I forgot a command. Next time I will remember to double check my solution.”).

1st Grade Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms (sets of step-by-step instructions) to complete tasks.
Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.

Common Core Math Standards

Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Use numbers or other symbols to make a model representing a set of data.
Define code as a language for computers and recognize there is more than one computer language.
Decompose a problem into the variety of possible smaller problems, identifying patterns.
Describe characteristics of the problems in order to understand outcomes and restraints.
Create and arrange sequences of steps to reach a desired outcome. Use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., algorithm) to describe these steps.
Identify and describe an error when it is occurring (e.g., “The arrow should point up on the green tile, not down.”) within a larger script, involving additional programming elements such as conditions and loops.
Select and test the appropriate solution to solve a bug when given multiple options, with more complicated code structures.
Justify decisions by demonstrating an understanding of “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.
Model processes and systems that satisfy “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.

Programming and Me

Demonstrate an understanding of using secure measures on networks and the internet (e.g., passwords, personal devices).
Articulate the relationship between the programmer and the computer, the user and the computer, the role of instructions in these relationships.
Follow and give a set of instructions in order to complete a task.
Demonstrate an understanding of using hardware and software in appropriate ways (eg., choosing the right tools, using the right vocabulary when describing hardware and software, etc.)

Programming Impact

Identify and describe problems that technology has solved in current events.
Identify programming pioneers and understand their impact on the field.
Describe the work that people do within the field of computer science and identify specific jobs related to programming today.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role that programming can play in the environment, health, and people around the world.

Everyday Connections

Identify and describe places in the school day or daily tasks where technology may provide a possible aid.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role instructions play within school day routines and within computer programming.
Compose, decompose, and sequence:
a) Elements of the instructional day into routines and a set of instructions.
b) Elements in repeatable tasks (e.g., making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, washing your hands).
Describe methods for organizing information and materials.

Programming and Communication

Describe and justify choices within a task, sequence, or algorithm.
Attribute ideas to the proper owner.
Engage in collaborative conversations about programming topics with increasing complexity.
Express personal preferences related to technology and programming.
Demonstrate an understanding that computers use a different type of language than humans.

Social Emotional Learning

Describe similarities and differences in people, skills, approaches, and ideas that can have an impact on programming.
Describe a problem solved by a peer with a different approach. Articulate what you learned from this (e.g., there isn’t only one answer, my way isn’t the only way, people do things differently, I don’t have to be right, I can learn from others, etc.)
Name traits that you share with successful programmers (e.g., I work hard, I don’t give up, I help others, I am confident, I am focused, I want to learn, etc.). Give examples.
Cultivate a helping mentality: giving help and asking for help when appropriate. Articulate how helping and needing/getting help feels.
Describe a time you failed at something, name feelings associated with failure, and express what you learned from it.

2nd Grade Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms (sets of step-by-step instructions) to complete tasks.
Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
Using correct terminology, describe steps taken and choices made during the iterative process of program development.
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.

Common Core Math Standards

Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.
Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number of them.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Identify characteristics of code (length, characters, integers, different types).
Determine the best sequence based on a series of outcome restraints. Justify the choice.
Arrange a sequence of code in multiple ways to reach a single outcome. Choose the most efficient and provide rationale.
Predict the outcome of specific scripts, considering errors that may occur.
Automate solutions by using elements in code that increase efficiency, save time, and decrease the likelihood of bugs.
Test and refine automated solutions to determine maximum efficiency.
Justify decisions by demonstrating an understanding of “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.

Programming and Me

Compare and contrast measures of security to determine level of safety (e.g., password strength).
Create secure measures for a personal computer or network that meet a level of high security.
Explain what will happen when a computer is given instruction. Demonstrate an understanding that computers follow directions given by programmers.
Compare and contrast sets of instructions (loop or no loop, function or no function) to determine the efficiency of obtaining the desired outcome (e.g., which will get me there faster? Which will save me time?)
Demonstrate an understanding of using hardware and software in appropriate ways (eg., choosing the right tools, using the right vocabulary when describing hardware and software, etc.)

Programming Impact

Identify programming pioneers and understand their impact on the field.

Everyday Connections

Create algorithms to represent and replace routines and procedures within the classroom (e.g., the sequence of the phrase “Criss-Cross Applesauce”). Explain the relationship between sequence and functions with routines and procedures.
Compose, decompose, and sequence elements in tasks that have repeatable elements (e.g., making 10 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches).
Compare and contrast methods for organizing information and materials in a classroom and on a computer.

Programming and Communication

Explain communication as it relates to programming: people to machine, machine to machine.
Listen and think critically about someone else’s solution to the same problem.
Engage in collaborative conversations about programming topics with increasing complexity.
Express personal preferences related to technology and programming.
Engage in academic discourse related to programming concepts using proper vocabulary: algorithm, sequence, logic statements, problems, solutions, commands, etc.

Social Emotional Learning

Engage in conversation about the impact different people, skills, ideas, and learning styles contribute to programming.
Demonstrate flexibility around problem solving (e.g., there is more than one way, things can change, I can change my mind, etc.)
Identify personal traits that make you a successful problem-solver and programmer (e.g., I don’t give up, I’m curious, I’m creative, I’m focused, I set goals, etc.)
Demonstrate the importance of helping through teaching, working together, sharing, and asking questions.
Describe personal skills and interests that one wants to develop, including skills and interests that have grown (e.g., I can subtract now, I know my doubles, I can read more words, etc.).

3rd Grade Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Compare and refine multiple algorithms for the same task and determine which is the most appropriate.
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.
Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.
Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into one's own work, to develop something new or add more advanced features.
Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.

Common Core Math Standards

Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers.
Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations.
Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size.
Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs.
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.
Make observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.
Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season.
Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment.
Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Demonstrate an understanding that code follows specific organization patterns. Accurately describe the way a complete set of data is organized (e.g., lists, grouping, types of data).
Identify and apply different programming elements to solve a problem (variables, conditions, loops, functions).
Decompose a real world problem into sub problems/smaller steps.
Decipher between problems that can and cannot be solved computationally.
Modify values within a script to change an isolated part of the outcome.
Identify and explain the source of a bug using the vocabulary of variables and sequences.
Identify opportunities within a program that can be manipulated to make something happen (e.g., When I click, this happens)
Classify different types of data used by a computer or program.
Sort groups of data into relevant and irrelevant based on specific criteria.
Identify, use, and modify information within a program.
Identify, apply, and explain rationale for the type of data, when it used, and where it is used within a program.
Identify and use tools to store and access data.
Justify decisions by demonstrating an understanding of “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.
Define, identify, and apply variables within a program, including.
- Using integers to run a loop
- Using variables to create shortcuts
- Using variables to carry out complex processes
- Reusing variables throughout a program.
Take actionable steps to satisfy “if, then” statements within a program, taking into account observations, events, and the relationships between objects and systems.

Programming and Me

Identify alternative measures of security for data, such as offline backups and virus software.
Describe differences between what a programmer sees and what the user sees within a program.
Describe the process of input and output using examples.
Accurately plan and design a set of instructions that will reach a desired outcome.
Demonstrate an understanding of using hardware and software in appropriate ways (eg., choosing the right tools, using the right vocabulary when describing hardware and software, etc.)

Programming Impact

Create realistic technological solutions for real-world problems.
Describe the usability of technological solutions for different groups of people.
Describe the positive and negative impacts programming has on the relationship between multiple parties or objects.
Describe the impact one person can have on another through programming and networks (e.g., cyber bullying).
Identify programming pioneers and understand their impact on the field.
Describe the work of people 0-25 years of age and the role they play in computer programming.

Everyday Connections

Describe the characteristics of storage for different materials on a computer (i.e., files may be different sizes.)

Programming and Communication

Communicate steps and desired outcome using multiple methods to document (oral, written, representational).
Translate others' ideas into programming commands to reach a desired outcomes.
Engage in collaborative conversations about programming topics with increasing complexity.
Express personal preferences related to technology and programming.
Engage in academic discourse related to programming concepts using proper vocabulary: algorithm, sequence, logic statements, problems, solutions, commands, etc.

Social Emotional Learning

Demonstrate an ability to collaborate through creation and revision (objects and solutions).
Generate alternative solutions and evaluate the impact for a range of programming and real world scenarios.
Set and monitor progress on achieving a short-term personal goal. *Also repeated when thinking about personal areas for growth
Identify and perform roles that contribute to the school community.
Set and monitor progress on achieving a short-term personal goal.

4th Grade Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Compare and refine multiple algorithms for the same task and determine which is the most appropriate.
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.
Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.
Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into one's own work, to develop something new or add more advanced features.
Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.

Common Core Math Standards

Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. For example, given the rule "Add 3" and the starting number 1, generate terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to alternate between odd and even numbers. Explain informally why the numbers will continue to alternate in this way.
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. For example, find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and the length, by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.
Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual model.
Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.
Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Ask questions and predict outcomes about the changes in energy that occur when objects collide.
Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s features.
Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Identify syntax rules, grouping, naming, and other levels of organization. Justify personal rationale.
Identify a problem that can be solved computationally and formulate one possible multi-step solution.
Identify and describe the variables and values of given set of data.
Apply skills to accurately fix bugs that exist within a script.
Automate data organization and replicate results.
Translate information into code using different types of variables and justify rationale for this choice.
Justify decisions by demonstrating an understanding of “if, then” statements. Students should be completing this at all grade levels, increasing complexity each year.
Automate solutions by manipulating repeatable events within a program.
Define, identify, and apply variables within a program, including.
- Using integers to run a loop
- Using variables to create shortcuts
- Using variables to carry out complex processes
- Reusing variables throughout a program
Take actionable steps to satisfy “if, then” statements within a program, taking into account observations, events, and the relationships between objects and systems.

Programming and Me

Define ownership and demonstrate an ability uphold copyright, fair use, and proper citations.
Explain the connection between variables and output of a program.
Modify the output of a program by adjusting the input.
Assign components of a project to multiple people, collectively implementing a set of instructions to reach a desired outcome.
Demonstrate an understanding of using hardware and software in appropriate ways (eg., choosing the right tools, using the right vocabulary when describing hardware and software, etc.)

Programming Impact

Compare and contrast technological solutions for real-world problems based on the needs and desires of specific users (e.g., would this work for a mom? For someone who can't walk?)
Compare and contrast interactions and analyze the impact on others’ emotions.
Identify programming pioneers and understand their impact on the field.
Describe the work of people 0-25 years of age and the role they play in computer programming.
Demonstrate an understanding that working collaboratively is essential to developing technological solutions that meet the needs of all users.

Everyday Connections

Sort methods of organization based on the type of data one wants to store.

Programming and Communication

Explain real life interactions that happen in order to reach an outcome or solve a problem.
Expand and build on others' ideas to create more efficient programming commands. Correctly attribute elements of ideas to owners.
Engage in collaborative conversations about programming topics with increasing complexity.
Express personal preferences related to technology and programming.
Engage in academic discourse related to programming concepts using proper vocabulary: algorithm, sequence, logic statements, problems, solutions, commands, etc.

Social Emotional Learning

Demonstrate an ability to solve conflict and come to a solution.
Seek input from others in order to solve a problem or move the work forward.
Set and monitor progress on achieving a short-term personal goal with increasing complexity and evidence of planning. *Also repeated when thinking about personal areas for growth
Evaluate one’s participation in the class or school community to address an identified need.
Set and monitor progress on achieving a short-term personal goal with increasing complexity and evidence of planning.

5th Grade Standards

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards

Compare and refine multiple algorithms for the same task and determine which is the most appropriate.
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.
Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.
Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into one's own work, to develop something new or add more advanced features.
Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.
Brainstorm ways to improve the accessibility and usability of technology products for the diverse needs and wants of users.

Common Core Math Standards

Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols.
Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. Identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms. Form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.
Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume.
Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down.
Use models to describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair, growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun.
Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.
Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
Support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distances from Earth.
Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

Computational Thinking and Programming Concepts

Organize code following syntax rules, grouping, naming, and other levels of organization.
Organize code with increasing detail and justify personal rationale.
Follow rules that specify how code should be organized with consistency.
Identify a problem that can be solved computationally and formulate multi-step solutions, selecting the best possible and explaining why.
Modify and revise variable values within a set of data to reach a desired outcome.
Identify and use tools that find and fix bugs within a script.
Modify data to change a specific outcome.
Compare and contrast the characteristics of similar objects.
Describe the relationship between efficiency and programming language paradigms.
Use variables to sort and store information.

Programming and Me

Explain the role confidentiality has in online security.
Effect the output of a program by changing values.

Programming Impact

Incorporate expressed ideas and needs from users to revise and modify technological solutions for real-world problems.
Apply constructive approaches to resolving conflicts through programs and networks.

Everyday Connections

Accurately store, retrieve, and read files of various types. Describe the process and personal preference using appropriate vocabulary.

Programming and Communication

Identify and create commands that can be given to a computer to cause future interactions (e.g., timers, setting up events, define classes, etc.)

Social Emotional Learning

Provide and incorporate feedback on products and ideas within programming scenarios.
Incorporate multiple perspectives and needs to create a solution. Explain how the solution adequately addresses those perspectives and needs.
Analyze why one did or did not achieve a goal, using knowledge about ones skills and strengths. *Also repeated when thinking about personal areas for growth
Identify how personality traits (honesty, respect, fairness) enable a group to make decisions and work together to solve a problem, or contribute to a helping mentality.
Analyze why one did or did not achieve a goal, using knowledge about one’s skills and strengths.

Standards Team

Standards team member profile photo
Grant Smith - CSTA K-8 Task Force and Standards Review Committee
Grant trains K-8 teachers in computer science content and pedagogy.
He also serves on the CSTA K-8 Task Force and Standards Review Committee.
He is a former coding teacher and district administrator. Grant is also concurrently
working on earning a doctorate from the Johns Hopkins University School of Education.
Standards team member profile photo
Brianna Gray -  Kodable Head of Curriculum
Brianna taught Kindergarten for two years before joining Teach for America and continuing her teaching career.  Brianna progressed from teaching to her current position at Kodable where she writes the Kodable curriculum and supports teachers, schools, and districts in teaching Computer Science. Brianna is passionate about education and opportunity for all children and her goal is that all students will have equal opportunity, tools, and support to learn Computer Science.
Standards team member profile photo
Rachel Brainerd - Teach for America Senior Managing Director of Institute
Rachel leads a staff to train and support ~250 novice teachers during their first weeks in the classroom. Partnering with several school districts to design and execute a rigorous summer school program for students, Rachel is focused on the intersections between teacher support and student learning. In her spare time, Rachel can be found hiking or playing her violin with an orchestra in Oakland, CA.
Standards team member profile photo
Jay Borenstein - Stanford University Computer Science Professor
Jay teaches Computer Science at Stanford University with a focus on Virtual Reality, Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship. Jay founded Integration Appliance in 2000 and served as the CEO through 2007.  Jay also runs the “Education Modernization” (EdMod) group at Facebook.  EdMod initiatives include Facebook inspirED, TechStart, VR Camp and Facebook Open Academy. Jay is also a Director at 6Seconds - The Emotional Intelligence Network.  Jay studied both as an undergraduate and graduate student at Stanford University.
Standards team member profile photo
Brian Adams - Informational Technology Teacher
Brian teaches at a K-3 elementary school in Colonial School District (PA).  In his 22-year career, he has taught second grade as well as Technology to K-3 students. In Technology, Brian’s students are developing a foundation of basic programming skills and concepts, working with robotics, and creating and designing using the engineering design process.

Computer Science Strands

Computer science standards chart
Group of kids playing Kodable programming game on tablet

“I am for the new lesson plans offered in the classrooms. They seem absolutely perfect for Kindergarten and I love that I will actually have some guidance to understanding and knowing how to teach coding! So stoked!”

Nancy, Kindergarten Teacher - Rhode Island