The school year is coming to a close and everyone is itching for a brain break. Enjoy these four free coding challenges to get kids moving, creating and thinking about code. Three of the lessons include a sample of unplugged activities from our paid plans.
Show What You Know!
Sequence Coding Challenge - Grades K-2
Students will design, draw, & solve their own programming problems. Sample of the unplugged activity from Sequence Capstone Lesson on the Kodable School plan.
- Get Creative! Students will draw a maze
- Write the answer or share with a partner
- Take your design to the next level. Create it in the Kodable Maze Maker!
simonFuzz Says!
Conditions Coding Challenge - Grades 1-3
Learn about conditional statements through an unplugged game of Simon says! Sample of the unplugged activity from Conditions Lesson 4 on the Kodable School plan.
- Review Conditions with a quick video! (optional)
- Get moving and thinking in this game of Simon Says with a coding twist
- Color a fuzz inspired by your summer plans or create one in Kodable
Funky Functions Fitness!
Functions Coding Challenge- Grades 3-5
Flex those muscles! Create a fun fitness routine to help the fuzzFamily. This is a sample of the unplugged activity from Functions Lesson 1 on the Kodable School plan.
- Review Functions with a short video (optional)
- Create a repeating fitness routine using functions. Get active! Try out your routines!
- Create a maze that must be solved with functions and share it with the class
Summer Coding Challenge!
Celebrate and set a goal for the summer - Grades K-5
School is coming to a close, but learning doesn't need to! Celebrate student progress & encourage them to set a coding goal for the summer.
- Celebrate student achievements with end of year certificates
- Ask students to set a goal for the summer
- Send their summer challenge worksheet home to track their goal with family