Updated: October 30, 2020
Every year in December, millions of kids around the world participate in the Hour of Code to celebrate CS Ed Week in honor of Admiral Grace Hopper who was an early computer programmer and created the first computer language compiler.
We're so excited to be participating as a partner again this year with you! The Hour of Code is a grassroots movement promoted by CS Ed Week and Code.org along with over 400 other partners to encourage kids everywhere to try one hour of coding.
Sustainability: Kodable Beach Clean Up
The Hour of Code is focused on using code for good in collaboration with the United Nations to promote seventeen sustainability goals. Kids can have a huge impact keeping our rivers and oceans clean by reducing plastic waste. This year, your students can help the fuzzFamily program their way to a cleaner beach on Fuzztopia in the Kodable Beach Clean Up programming tutorial for beginners.
Help the fuzzes clean up all the trash on their beach and make new friends along the way. Kids will learn about conditions, loops, and functions by creating a path to collect all the trash, then programming a route to pick it up.
Introduce your students to programming with the video below, then each difficulty has a lesson about the concept it covers included in the game.
View the "Beach Clean Up" Tutorial
Our Most Popular Hour of Code Tutorial
One of the most completed tutorials on the Hour of Code website is the Kodable Maze Maker tutorial. Design your own mazes and then program your with through to the end! Practice Common Core Math concepts for each grade level. Can you beat all five?
Kodable Maze Maker

View the "Maze Maker" Tutorial
Best Hour of Code Tutorial for a Pre-Reader
Every year, the tutorial we started with way back in 2013 is voted at the top of the pre-reader section on the Hour of Code website. Introduce your students to programming off screen in a simple, fun activity, then practice the concepts on screen.
Intro to Programming with Kodable

View the "Intro to Programming" Tutorial
Our Favorite Project-Based Hour of Code Tutorial
Get your students thinking critically about technology in this three day social studies project.
Men outnumber women 7 to 3 in the tech industry - for now. This 3-day project calls on all students to examine gender inequality in tech. Recommended for grades 3rd-5th.
Women in Tech: Past, Present and Future!
View the "Women in Tech" Tutorial
See all the ways you can use Kodable for your CS Ed Week Celebration.
We have over 20 lessons and tutorials to choose from. Take a look and get started.
See All Kodable Hour of Code Tutorials