If you’re looking for a way to celebrate Hour of Code this year, we’re happy to announce our most popular activities are back and, might we say, better than ever! We couldn't wait to share them with you whether it's you first time or 10th time playing Kodable during the Hour of Code. We gathered them all up in one place so you can pick your favorites and get prepared for the Hour of Code 2021.
If you're looking to learn more about the Hour of Code or what the heck it even is, check out our Parent Hour of Code Guide. You'll learn all about this worldwide coding event and how you and your child can participate at home.
Our goal is to inspire and encourage as many kids as we can to discover the wonders of coding. To do so, Kodable's Hour of Code activities are FREE during Hour of Code week December 6th - December 12th 2021! -> Play Here.
Parents: start your free 7 day free trail here
If you're an educator, you can find all of our Educator Hour of Code resources for how to get your class set up, tip on running a successful event, and more!
Educators: sign up for your free account here
Now, let's get to the good stuff, Kodable's 2021 Hour of Code Activities.
Design Your Hero
Recommended grades 2-5
Welcome to Bug World! The Kodable fuzzFamily needs your coding help. Use your real-life heroes and your imagination to design a character who will protect the fuzzFamily. You'll choose the properties your hero possesses and put their strength to the test against the buggy slimes of Bug World!
Make Shapes With Code
Recommended grades K-1 (Pre-Reader)
Math is a part of our lives everywhere. Use math and coding skills to make your own maze and then try to solve it. Start with a basic square and then see how many different shapes you can include in your maze designs!
Beach Cleanup
Recommended grades K-5
Save the beach babies! Learn to program using basic commands and clean up the beach to protect ocean life.
Make Your Own Kodable Maze
Recommended grades K-2
Can you build a symmetrical maze? A maze with right angles? Get creative and complete maze-building challenges with basic coding concepts. Aligned with K-5 Common Core math. Students will be guided through five puzzles, then prompted to design their own maze and code the solution.

Build Your Own Kodable Fuzz
Recommended grades 2-5
What are some character traits you can identify in books or people you know? Design your own Fuzz and use code to modify its properties and bring your character to life! Featuring JavaScript for upper elementary. Students will design their own Fuzz with JavaScript, then play coding games with their new character.
Intro to Programming
Recommended grades K-5 (Pre-Reader)
Kodable is a self-guided game that introduces kids 5+ to programming basics. Having a teacher or parent nearby is optimal, but not necessary. Happy koding! Students will be guided to the world of the Fuzzes and can choose from four coding games in Kodable.

Find some good ones to try? We hope so! Don't forget, Hour of Code is a busy week and we want to make sure you're prepared. We've put together this info for parents and educators to make sure your event with Kodable runs as smoothly as possible.
Don't Forget!
Remember, completing the Hour of Code is a BIG DEAL and we like to celebrate big deals with certificates! Make sure to print your child's Hour of Code certificate and share it with us on social media so we can brag! Use hashtags #Kodable #HourOfCode.
Print Your Child's Hour of Code Certificate
Now, get coding!