In computer programming, Sequence is the order that a computer executes coding commands. Putting code in the correct order allows us to carry out tasks that have multiple steps. When teaching computer science and coding, Sequence is the first coding concept you should learn. Watch Kodable's quick Sequence Teacher Overview video to learn and understand coding Sequence for yourself, and so you can teach it to your students! From there, you can explore Kodable's kid-friendly videos that explain Sequence, followed by tons of free coding activities that allow your students to execute this coding concept. Explore unplugged coding worksheets, coding missions, and of course... all the fun to be had with coding inside the learn-to-code app of Kodable. Once you've mastered Sequence, it's time to move on to the next coding concept! And don't worry, we have the videos and resources for teachers and students to learn and execute everything from the computer science basics to writing real JavaScript by the 5th grade. Kodable is an award-winning K-5 learn-to-code curriculum trusted by over 50% of US Elementary Schools and over 23 Million users. Kodable is getting kids ready for the future by preparing them with 21st-century skills like computer science, problem-solving, math, ELA, and more! Are you ready to join in on the excitement of coding? Create your free teacher account today and start using Kodable in your classroom. Yep, for free you'll have access to coding games, mazes, lessons, and much more. Let's go!