Are you looking for April STEM activities that learners will love? If so, you need to give these a try! Creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and resilience are skills learners build naturally through STEM activities.
The Winter Spectacular | Kid's Winter Coding Activity
December 12, 2021
Do you feel a chill in the air? A blizzard has hit Fuzztopia! For a limited time, Kodable players can help the Fuzzes get dressed for the cold by using JavaScript to style them in super cool costumes.
If you’re looking for a way to celebrate Hour of Code this year, we’re happy to announce our most popular activities are back and, might we say, better than ever!
Maybe you’ve heard the Hour of Code mentioned at your child’s school, from others in your parenting friend groups, or perhaps you’ve luckily ended up on this post while looking for ways to bring more education into your child’s life.
A new Kodable update is here and we are out-of-this-world-excited to share it with you! Inside this update, you’ll discover a new in-game course structure, an ever expanding map of the Kodable galaxy, three new coding concepts, and more!
Year of Code Commitment | Coding for Elementary School Students
September 22, 2021
The world of elementary coding is booming with excitement and growing fast! Teachers all over the world are blazing the way by finding ways to add coding for elementary school students into their classrooms.
Class is now in session, which means it's time to start planning elementary coding video lessons and activities. Learn about K-2 Coding, how to set up a free Kodable account, and how to introduce coding into your classroom.
Busting the Top 4 Myths About Teaching Kids to Code
August 24, 2021
Computer science and coding are becoming a focus in elementary education as coding helps children develop problem-solving resilience, and logical thinking skills.
Kodable Set Up Guide 2021 | Coding in Elementary School
August 17, 2021
As a new school year approaches, those little voices and bright smiles will soon be back in your classroom. Perhaps you've spent time this summer thinking about how you can engage your students differently this year.
We’ve got some big news! The Kodable team has been hard at work building and designing a fabulous upgrade to Kodable. We can’t wait for you and your learners to see the Kodable update.
How do you include Coding in a Classroom Makerspace, from Christine Dixon
March 24, 2021 may already be using them with your students or perhaps you've never heard of them. We're excited to have Christine Dixon as our guest writer to help us explain what a Makerspace is and how to add them to your classroom.
Elementary Pi Day Activity | Maze Maker Coding Mission
March 2, 2021
Pi Day is very important to the fuzzFamily because they love to celebrate their circular shape. Do your learners want to celebrate Pi Day with the Fuzzes and build a maze? All you need is Kodable and an eye for Pi (e) - get it?!
Women in STEM | Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
February 25, 2021
Let's talk about women in STEM! First, did you know that one of history's first computer programmers was a woman? Secondly that she was responsible for creating the first algorithm.
Valentine's Day Sequence Activity: Maze Maker Coding Mission
February 1, 2021
Love is in the air! Do your kids want to help blueFuzz follow hints and create a Valentine's Day themed maze for his fuzzFamily members? For the Valentine's Day Sequence Activity all you need is Kodable and some heart!
Are you craving something sweet? Take a bite out of the elementary sequence baking activity that teaches your kids about the computer programming concept, Sequence, while they're making colorful Fuzz cookies.
STEM Activities for Kids Inspired by Picture Books
December 9, 2020
Who doesn't love a picture book? Regardless of your age, we're pretty sure that answer is yes! Which makes these STEM activities for kids the perfect learning-based project for your students and you!
Playing games can help improve children's abilities to plan, organize, get along with others, and regulate emotions. In addition, play also helps with language development, math, and social skills.
11 Essential Hour of Code Videos to Inspire your Students
December 2, 2020
It's the most wonderful time of the year; the Hour of Code is here! If you haven't already heard, The Hour of Code is a global movement introducing tens of millions of students worldwide to computer science.